Nine essential ways to avoid the chromatic aberration of stone during processing

The overall aesthetics of the stone will be affected by the color difference of the stone. This problem is also a major problem in stone protection after stone paving. The complete primary color of the stone can highlight the gorgeous and elegant stone. Therefore, when you encounter this problem of stone color difference, you must learn to control the color difference of the stone.

The common stone color difference is caused by improper stone protection or improper daily protection after a period of use. Therefore, the usual method of controlling chromatic aberration is also solved by stone conservation. In fact, the stone color difference has been dealt with in the processing of stone.

As we all know, natural stone is taken from nature, and the color system is naturally various. Therefore, when the stone is processed, it has to deal with the treatment of stone color difference. And then we will come to understand the nine control methods of stone color difference.

1) The control requirements for color difference and pattern are proposed for the processing of stone plates.

2) Number the blocks that meet the color and pattern requirements.

3) Cut the block material into slabs by number, and further control the color and stone grain.

4) Select the appropriate surface layer of the slab and perform coarse grinding to achieve a certain gloss.

5) Check the color difference, pattern, stone gall, stone snake, ray, sweeping and corner damage on the surface of the stone plate to remove the stone plate with obvious quality defects.

6) The stone is processed, and the outer edge of the stone plate is ground to a chamfer with a depth of 1 mm, and the stone plate is polished.

7) According to the wall installation layout drawing, select the stone plate pre-shop, remove the color inconsistency or different patterns of light, fill the whole frame, and pack the number after the number.

8) Stone plate protective liquid treatment, evenly brush twice or more.

9) Install in the order of packing number in the order of installation. Before the rubber is installed, check whether the color pattern of the façade is the same. If any individual color difference is found, it should be replaced.

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